Key Points:

  • An Airbus A321LR, operated by Titan Airways, encountered an alarming issue of missing windows shortly after its departure from London Stansted.

  • Upon detecting “excessive cabin noise” during ascent, the crew made a swift decision to return to Stansted.

  • Further inspection of the aircraft revealed damage to its left-hand horizontal stabilizer.

A Titan Airways Airbus A321LR returning to Stansted due to "excessive cabin noise

LONDON — On 4 October, during a transatlantic journey from London Stansted to Orlando, Florida, a Titan Airways Airbus A321LR faced an unexpected issue. At approximately 10,000 feet into its climb, the crew onboard observed a noticeable increase in cabin noise. Acting promptly upon this unusual observation, they decided to reroute the twinjet back to Stansted.

Post-Landing Inspection: Missing Windows and More

French investigation authority BEA, referencing initial data from their UK counterparts, mentioned a startling discovery post the plane's return to Stansted: the Airbus was missing a few windows and had some loosely hanging. The specifics regarding the exact number of windows or their precise location on the plane were not detailed in the preliminary report. Moreover, a comprehensive evaluation of the aircraft indicated damage to the left-hand horizontal stabilizer. Fortunately, despite this concerning situation, no passengers or crew members were harmed.

Aircraft’s History with Titan Airways 

The Airbus A321LR in question, bearing the registration G-OATW and equipped with CFM International Leap-1A engines, had been added to Titan Airways’ fleet in March 2021. Before its tenure with Titan Airways, it operated as a transport for the UK government under the registration G-GBNI, showcasing a Union Flag livery. However, it was eventually succeeded in this role.