Enhanced features and safety upgrades envisioned for Logan's runway.

Key Points:

  • Boston's Logan International Airport's runway, 15R-33L, will remain closed for 100 days starting Monday for vital safety improvements.

  • The runway's rehabilitation will comprise multiple phases, including pavement, electrical upgrades, and the installation of LED lights.

  • Massport is implementing several measures to mitigate construction noise, emphasizing daytime work and rerouting construction trucks.

BOSTON — Boston's Logan International Airport commenced a significant safety and pavement overhaul on its runway, 15R-33L, mandating its closure for a span of 100 days starting Monday, as per Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport). This extensive project, known as the Runway 15R-33L Safety and Pavement Rehabilitation Project, will undergo various stages. The modernization incorporates the renewal of the runway's pavement, an electrical system upgrade, and the transition of runway lights to energy-efficient LEDs.

The decision to shut down this particular runway stems from the project's comprehensive nature, requiring undisturbed access. This runway has historically catered to the Federal Aviation Administration during northwest winds and has been a favorable choice for nighttime flights above the harbor, primarily to mitigate noise disturbances.

While it's been close to a decade since the runway's last refurbishment in 2012, the forthcoming upgrades don't merely focus on the runway itself. Massport also plans to enhance taxiway intersections, a pivotal step towards diminishing the potential of runway incursions, thereby amplifying overall safety.

Understanding the concerns of nearby residents, Massport is determined to ensure minimal noise disruption. As part of their commitment, the agency is prioritizing construction activities during the day, coupled with strict restrictions on trucks traversing Boston streets en route to Logan.