Prime Minister Abd Alhamid Aldabaiba arrives in Tripoli on an ITA test flight, marking the end of a 10-year EU flight ban on Libya.

Commercial flights between Tripoli and Rome set to commence in September.

European visa acceptance rates for Libyan applications see an uptick, with some embassies approving about 75% of submissions.

TRIPOLIS — Tripoli’s Mitiga airport welcomed a TEST flight from Rome by the Italian flag carrier ITA Airways, Libyan Herald reports. Carrying Prime Minister Abd Alhamid Aldabaiba, this journey signaled the end of the European Union's decade-long flight ban on Libya. The flight’s arrival in Tripoli marks not just a significant stride in aviation but also a shift in diplomatic relations between Libya and the EU.

Prime Minister Aldabaiba expressed optimism for the future while addressing the media. He highlighted the forthcoming commencement of commercial flights to Rome in September, making travel more accessible for the general public. "Today's move is more than just a test flight; it marks the beginning of the end for the aviation ban on Libyan airports by the European region," Aldabaiba said.

Moreover, in light of the improved bilateral relations, there has been a noticeable increase in the approval rate for Libyan visa applications to European countries. Aldabaiba noted the growth, with some European embassies greenlighting as many as 75% of the applications they receive. He underscored the government’s drive to ensure more conveniences for its citizens, especially with the skies now reopening.

The Director of the Italian Civil Aviation Corporation echoed the Prime Minister’s sentiments. Emphasizing the importance of the event, he described the resumption of direct flights between Libya and Italy as a pivotal moment for both nations. He conveyed his optimism about the strengthened ties between the two countries, with both poised to benefit from these revived connections.

Further insights were provided by the Tripoli government's website, which reported that the decision to reinstate flights between Tripoli and Rome was a product of intensive deliberations. The commitment to removing the air travel restrictions and facilitating smoother travel for Libyans was spearheaded by a committee initiated by the Prime Minister himself. This committee’s diligent efforts paved the way for the current breakthrough in aviation ties between the two nations.