Air Inuit soars into new era with acquisition of next-gen Boeing 737-800 aircraft.

Air Inuit, Canada's distinguished airline, recently confirmed the sanction of a deal for the procurement of three Boeing Next-Generation 737-800 planes. This is an integral part of their commitment to offering superior passenger and freight services to Nunavik and beyond. The aircraft will be uniquely modified with Air Inuit's groundbreaking combi configuration to ensure a combination of safe, comfortable passenger service, and dependable cargo delivery.

In the long run, these new aircraft are set to take the place of the enduring Boeing 737-200 planes presently in use, a move expected to slash fuel emissions by an impressive 40%.

The trio of Boeing Next-Generation 737-800 planes will be equipped with main deck cargo doors to satisfy requirements at various hubs throughout Nunavik and beyond. These hubs, in turn, cater to each of the communities within Air Inuit's network.

The latest addition to the Air Inuit fleet signals a significant achievement for the airline, which has been operating since 1978. "Celebrating 45 years of operation in 2023, we can all take pride in this essential service," remarked Noah Tayara, Executive Chairman of Air Inuit. He continued, "Air Inuit continues to show leadership as it evolves and adapts to the dynamic needs of the communities we serve."

The incorporation of the new planes will transpire incrementally over the forthcoming 24 months. The ambitious fleet modernization endeavor, coupled with the region's growth, necessitates substantial governmental investments to enhance Nunavik's airstrips. Active discussions with key stakeholders are underway to ensure this vision aligns with the community's priorities. More details on this initiative will be unveiled in the subsequent months.