ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA — Boeing announced on Wednesday that it had resumed deliveries of its widebody 767 after a three-month suspension due to supplier quality issues.

The American aircraft manufacturer had to stop deliveries of the 767F cargo planes earlier this year when it found that the center fuel tanks produced by a supplier were not adequately sealed.

Although Boeing did not disclose the exact date of resuming 767 deliveries, flight data indicates that a 767F cargo aircraft was delivered to FedEx on March 24.

Another FedEx cargo plane flew from Paine Field, north of Seattle, to Indianapolis on Tuesday.

Despite the fuel tank issue, Boeing assured that its annual delivery targets would not be affected. Nonetheless, the company had to remove and repaint the center fuel tank on impacted planes before resuming deliveries.

Stan Deal, the head of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, explained that the problem was paint adhesion, as the sealer did not stick properly. He added that the company is still determining the number of aircraft requiring rework.