BRUSSELS, BELGIUMCommercial planes will rely on traditional jet engines until at least 2050 Airbus told European Union officials during a briefing on June 10th. Airbus bases that statement on its research into creating zero emissions hydrogen-fuelled planes.

The planemaker says it plans to develop the world's first zero-emission commercial aircraft by 2035, but has not publicly said whether the technology will be ready for the replacement for the medium-haul A320, due to be rolled out in the 2030s.

"Zero-emission hydrogen aircraft will be primarily focused on regional and shorter-range aircraft from 2035. This means that current and future iterations of highly efficient gas turbines will still be required as we move towards 2050, especially for long-haul operations," the presentation said.

February's briefing to EU officials appeared to rule this out.

It did not give any details on how the technology, which is still on the drawing board, would be introduced into the smaller planes. Airbus says it is still studying various concepts.

Slides from the presentation to the office of European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans were released by InfluenceMap, an investor-led climate lobbying watchdog said it obtained them through a freedom of information request.

They were part of a wider set of documents issued by the watchdog, which said airlines and manufacturers had urged policymakers to use EU-backed green stimulus funds to support aviation.
(Via Reuters)